

International Women’s Day Celebration

Come dance and celebrate with independent women of diverse backgrounds. AMWEC is empowering women at the frontlines by let our voices to be heard and strengthen our control over our own lives and futures. Speakers include Nisi Jacobs (founder of, Dr. Sadia Khan, Alexa Stone, and Leila Bedad.

AMWEC Leaders Join Olive Tree Mission to Jerusalem

AMWEC leaders Anila Ali and Aisha Bajwa joined an Olive Tree Initiative multifaith mission to Jerusalem. The purpose of the trip was to help leaders better understand, negotiate and resolve conflict. The Olive Tree Initiative is one of AMWEC’s programming partners.

Christmas Toy Drive for Needy Children

Every December, AMWEC mobilizes our members to help bring smiles to fortunate children in the community. In the spirit of interfaith sisterhood with our Christian neighbors, we collect toys for needy families and teach our own children the value of thankfulness, empathy and charitable giving.

AMWEC Featured in Ha’aretz Report on Muslim-Jewish Relations

A recent Ha’aretz article (“U.S. Muslims Increasingly Harassed for Working With Jewish Groups, Activists Say”) features AMWEC’s interfaith work with Hillel chapters on college campuses. AMWEC President Anila Ali is quoted about anti-Semitism and withstanding pressure from parts of the community to cut off dialogue: “Luckily I was working with a lot of Pakistani students who said ‘No, interfaith work cannot stop.’”

Hajj Eid Mela: International Women’s Bazar

At the Sheraton Cerritos, AMWEC is hosting a community bazaar featuring artists and Artisans from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh, India, and beyond. The event focuses on empowering women-led Businesses and creating networking opportunities for members of the community.

AMWEC on Fox11’s “State of Hate” Leadership Panel

AMWEC’s Anila Ali joined an interfaith leadership discussion hosted by Fox 11 Los Angeles on the State of Hate in 2018. Other panelists included Cal State San Bernardino hate-crime law professor Brian Levin, Rabbi Marvin Hier from the Wiesenthal Center, Pastor J. Edgar Boyd from LA’s First AME Church, and Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley of the NoH8 campaign.

Multifaith Ramadan Iftar

AMWEC held its annual multifaith Ramadan break-fast, bringing together Muslims with Hindu, Sikh, Christian, and Jewish friends at Temple Bat Yahm. The evening’s iftar emphasized embracing friendship and welcoming diversity of race, religion, and culture. Arab America

AMWEC Muslim-Jewish Townhall to Combat Hate

ABC7 covered AMWEC’s townhall uniting Jews and Muslim to combat hate. Event partners included the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Anti-Defamation League, Olive Tree Initiative, and the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County. AMWEC leaders addressed the townhall alongside Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Michael Downing

“Empowering Muslim Women” Interview at APPNA Convention

On the sidelines of the 2016 convention of the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America, AMWEC President Anila Ali spoke to the American Muslim Institution’s Mike Ghouse about our organization’s community work in a segement called “Empowering Muslim Women.”

Multifaith and LGBT Joint Ramadan Iftar with LAPD

AMWEC joined the Los Angeles Police Department to hold a special Ramadan break-fast open to all at the Anatolia Cultural Center. The evening’s theme: “Stand together as one humanity against hate and bigotry.”